EP.28/ The Power of Positivity In Creating Systemic Change


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Welcome back to the Naturspired Podcast! After a 4+ month-long silence, I'm back to help you feel inspired by nature and shift fashion from the inside out. Today I wanted to have an honest conversation about where my life is and how things have been going but I also wanted to talk about the power of positivity in creating real systemic change in the fashion industry.

In this episode, I discuss the power of positivity in igniting action and real behavioural change. Like, you know how we're more likely to adopt a new habit in our lives if it offers a positive solution or makes our lives easier? As humans, we're psychologically wired to want positive incentives to do positive things. And solely focusing on the negative can (in some cases) actually be counterproductive to activism and can result in fear, despair and a sense of hopelessness in our communities. So how do we address talking about the real issues in fashion while also inspiring a positive response? My theory is that by approaching the issues and problems in fashion from an educational perspective, but inspiring action from a place of positivity, excitement and joy, we might be able to create a world or industry that thrives on change. Not one that views change as a tedious task that "has to be done" in order to be considered good people.

The Episode At A Glance:


  • In the first half of the episode, I dig into what I’ve been up to for the last 4+ months and where I’m focusing my energy in my career and overall life. I also shared a big win about the podcast and how in 2022, this podcast ranked in the top 25% of most-shared podcasts globally!



  • In this part of the episode we discuss key ways we can inspire change in the fashion industry using positivity instead of fear. We break down the key differences and emotional responses we as human beings get when told we’re doing something wrong vs when we’re inspired to do something good. I wrap up the episode with proving a few tips to help inspire positive action while still addressing the major issues in fashion - or any cause you care about.

Ending Note:

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The power of positivity in creating systemic change


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